The new superhero film “Deadpool & Wolverine” made waves with its unconventional opening sequence that acknowledged Hugh Jackman’s final outing as Wolverine in “Logan.” Michael Green, who co-wrote “Logan,” said he was surprised by the scene but felt it honored his work.
Green had heard the opening might be controversial. But he did not expect to see Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool unearthing and using Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton from “Logan” against enemies. Set to a pop song, the scene references “Logan” while setting up the movie’s time-traveling story.
Though unusual, Green believes the sequence complements “Logan,” not undermining its emotional conclusion. “It felt less like they were trying to change the ending of ‘Logan’ as they were contending with not feeling that they wanted to make a movie as good as they felt ‘Logan’ was, which is a huge compliment!” said Green.
The film’s approach allowed Jackman to return as Wolverine from an alternate universe, respecting “Logan” without undoing its narrative closure. Green enjoyed the film’s tone and enthusiastic audience reaction at a screening. He also appreciated the absence of jokes mocking “Green Lantern,” another film he co-wrote.
As it continues its theatrical run, “Deadpool & Wolverine” seems to have balanced honoring past X-Men films with embracing its own chaotic style. By using the multiverse and referencing established continuity, the film connected with audiences and critics. Green’s positive reaction adds to the movie’s validation as it moves characters from various franchises into new storylines.