Netflix is set to premiere a new animated “Tomb Raider” series on October 10, 2024. The show, titled “Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft,” will bring the iconic video game character to life through animation. Showrunner Tasha Huo believes animation allows the series to fully capture the adventures and mysteries of the popular games.
In an interview, Huo explained that animation gives creators more freedom compared to live-action adaptations. She noted animation does not require as massive a budget. This means ideas from the games can be portrayed without heavy constraints. Huo aims to give die-hard fans an animated tribute to match their visions.
The choice of animation aligns with growing industry trends as well. While live-action game shows find success, animation has long adapted games. Netflix leads this genre with acclaimed series like “Castlevania” and its spin-off “Nocturne.” Fan favorites “Arcane” and “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners” also premiered on the platform to popularity and awards.
This track record has inspired more creators. Huo remarks that individuals now want to make animated game shows after the impact of hits like “Arcane.” Animation also carries lower financial risk for studios. As a result, Netflix and others have greatly expanded such adaptations.
As the pioneer, Netflix already adapted “Tomb Raider” to film but faces high expectations with this series. Previous movies starred popular actors but faced limits recreating the games. Animation potentially allows a more epic scale and scope. If following the success of past originals in the genre, “Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft” seems poised to entertain both fans and newcomers this October.