The animated series “Solar Opposites” has brought significant alterations both behind the scenes and within its storyline for the fifth season on Hulu. The show, which centers around an alien family stuck on Earth, has introduced a new voice actor for a principal character and revived an important villain from earlier episodes.
British actor Dan Stevens, known for starring roles in “Downton Abbey” and “Beauty and the Beast,” now voices the character of Korvo, one of the main aliens. This replaces the previous voice actor Justin Roiland, who co-created the show but lost his job after facing domestic violence charges in 2020. Stevens said he’s enthusiastic about the new part in an interview, expressing his passion for voice acting in adult animation projects.
A key subplot in the series follows miniature humans inhabiting a self-contained world inside a terrarium made by one of the aliens. This “Wall” story arc saw the return of The Duke, the onetime authoritarian leader voiced by Alfred Molina, who was presumed dead for several seasons until surprising viewers with a revival in the season five finale. The alien character Terry used a “Make-Alive ray” device to bring The Duke back.
The Duke’s comeback sets up interesting potential developments regarding the Wall storyline as it progress, such as a showdown between The Duke and another character displaying dictatorial behaviors. Moreover, the Make-Alive ray implies other deceased figures from the Wall community may reemerge as well, building anticipation for a grand conclusion to this long-running theme.
By introducing new talent behind-the-scenes and reintroducing a beloved villain, “Solar Opposites” demonstrates its ability to evolve while sustaining audience engagement as it starts its sixth season on Hulu.