In a surprise-filled episode of ABC’s The Bachelorette, lead Jenn Tran faced unexpected departures and opened up about her deepest insecurities as her journey to find love progresses. Things kicked off with ex-boyfriend Matt Rossi making a stunning transcontinental appearance in New Zealand, flying halfway around the world to profess his lingering feelings for Tran. Though the pair shared a history, Tran ultimately sent Rossi home, believing her future husband remains among her original suitors.
Rossi, a 28-year-old brand manager from Boston, surprised Tran by showing up in the hopes of joining her cohort of suitors. Referring to their past where she dubbed him “Wiener Boy” due to his dachshund Kirkland, Tran acknowledged they shared a bond but her heart remained with the men already competing for her roses.
In another shock, suitor Austin abruptly eliminated himself, feeling their connection wasn’t developing fast enough. His self-removal brought Tran’s deepest fears to the surface during an emotionally candid moment with the remaining men.
Through one-on-one dates, Tran forged stronger bonds with Jonathan, who opened up about past hurts, and Grant, sharing about his father’s addiction struggles. Both men received roses, though Tran’s journey to find an engagement remains uncertain with new obstacles ahead.