A remake of the cult classic 1994 film “The Crow” hit theaters to mixed reviews. Directed by Rupert Sanders, the new film stars Bill Skarsgård as Eric, a man resurrected to seek vengeance for his and his lover’s murders. Critics were unimpressed with a 19% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but audiences liked it more with a 65% score. This stark contrast in opinion has sparked debates among moviegoers.
Critics found issues with the film’s pacing, chemistry between leads Skarsgård and FKA Twigs, and Skarsgård’s performance. However, audiences responded better to an expanded backstory for Eric and his girlfriend Shelly. Viewers praised the soundtrack, cinematography, and action scenes, though some felt the violence was graphic.
Supporters say the film should be viewed as a new take on the comic source material rather than a remake of the 1994 version. One fan said this made the experience more enjoyable. However, critics argue it spends too much time developing Eric before his transformation. Additionally, the love story failed to connect and some writing felt awkward.
The narrative structure also divided opinions. It reportedly focused heavily on Eric and Shelly in the first half, then abruptly shifted to action in the second half. Even fans disagreed on the ending, with some finding Eric’s sacrifice fitting and others disliking it and the set up for a possible sequel.
Despite mixed assessments, the film has started debates amongst movie fans. The split between professional reviews and audience ratings highlights how personal tastes influence judgments of adaptations. As it continues in theaters, opinions may still change on this latest version of “The Crow.” For now, passionate supporters and doubters are actively discussing it.