In the new horror-comedy film “Y2K,” directed by Kyle Mooney in his feature film debut, high school students find themselves confronting a peculiar threat at a notorious New Year’s Eve party. As the clock ticks down to the year 2000, electronics like Tamagotchis and cell phones suddenly turn against the partygoers. Rachel Zegler and Jaeden Martell lead an ensemble cast playing two juniors who must battle rogue devices to survive the night.
The film centers on Zegler and Martell’s characters crashing a wild end-of-the-millennium bash. However, the party takes a dangerous turn when everyday electronics like toys and phones start malfunctioning in disturbing ways. “A Tamagotchi just drilled through a chick’s head!” one character remarks in the trailer, hinting at the mayhem that ensues. The students find themselves facing down a technological onslaught with no explanation for the devices’ newfound aggressiveness.
In addition to the lead performances by Zegler and Martell, “Y2K” features impressive supporting roles from Julian Dennison, The Kid Laroi, Fred Durst, Mason Gooding, and Alicia Silverstone. Comedian Kyle Mooney co-wrote the script with author Evan Winter. Famous actors and producers Jonah Hill and Christopher Storer were also involved in the project. Film critic Lovia Gyarkye praised the “assured performances” in her review of the premiere, though suggested the plot could be stronger.
Rachel Zegler continues to shine as a rising Hollywood star with her role in “Y2K.” Best known for “The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes,” she will also lend her voice to the animated movie “Spellbound” and portray Snow White in an upcoming live-action remake. Blending elements of 90s nostalgia, horror, and humor, “Y2K” promises audiences an unpredictable ride as the new millennium approaches on January 1, 2000.