Two seasons of the storyline saw the world of Runeterra haunted by a distraught Viego, while last season the Rek’Sai family chose to expand their home. Luckily, there have been no global consequences or major struggles as in the case of The Ruined King.
Now, many rumors and circumstantial evidence indicate that in season 13 the “friends” Aatrox and Rhaast will enter the game. We’re talking about ancient host-taking parasites, namely the Darkin.
An invasion from the void appeared on the horizon of the world of Runeterra in 2022. It was announced by a video at the beginning of the season and the arrival of Bel’Veth to the League of Legends world.
Ultimately, none of this happened, and Rek’Sai’s family fell into winter sleep. This gives an opportunity for other parasites, and also from the Shurima regions. We’re talking about the fearsome and dangerous creatures enchanted with weapons, the Darkin.
Proud exalted ones, which turned after the death of Emperor Azir in a great power struggle and were locked in weapons, must now look for a host in order to seize his body using Blood Magic.
It is already known that one of their representatives will come in season 2023. Maybe Riot will make this the main theme of the upcoming struggle, as indicated by the totem that appeared on PBE.
Considering the lack of materialization of the previous event, there’s a small chance that this one will spread across the map, as it did with the search for Vie’s wife Isolde.
Perhaps, though, Riot Games anticipated the whole storyline and the mysterious Darkinka, won’t be the only representative of this race to hit LoL servers.