Acclaimed film director Pablo Larraín is set to premiere his upcoming biopic “Maria” at this year’s Venice International Film Festival which began today. The film tells the story of legendary opera singer Maria Callas and will star Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie in the lead role. “Maria” focuses on the later years and career of Callas’s life in the 1970s when her powerful singing voice began to decline.
Callas is regarded as one of the most famous opera singers of the 20th century. During her career, she enthralled audiences worldwide with her talents but in her later years struggled with declining health and isolation in Paris, France where she lived until passing away in 1977 at age 53. The film explores this challenging period as Callas grapples with the loss of her voice and attempts to rediscover her singing abilities while living in seclusion.
Director Larraín described “Maria” as his “most personal work” noting that the film is meant to offer an imaginative depiction of Maria Callas finding her voice and identity apart from her career performing for others. Alongside Jolie in the lead role, the film also stars Valeria Golino as Callas’s sister and Haluk Bilginer as her ex-lover Aristotle Onassis, the Greek shipping magnate. Additional cast members include Kodi Smit-McPhee, Alba Rohrwacher, and Pierfrancesco Favino.
Oscar-nominated cinematographer Edward Lachman lends his skills behind the camera while the screenplay was written by Steven Knight, creator of the hit show “Peaky Blinders.” “Maria” continues Larraín’s trilogy of films profiling influential 20th century women including “Jackie” about Jacqueline Kennedy and “Spencer” about Princess Diana. While premiering at Venice Film Festival, Netflix has secured U.S. distribution rights for “Maria” but a specific release date on the streaming platform is still to be announced. The film gathers widespread anticipation for Jolie’s intimate portrayal of the legendary opera star’s life during a difficult period.