The season finale of the ABC reality show “Claim to Fame” aired on Wednesday, wrapping up another round of the celebrity guessing competition. On the show, unrelated contestants live together trying to discover each other’s famous family connections while hiding their own. This season, one player in particular managed to keep his famous relative a secret until the very end.
Contestant Adam did not actively participate in solving clues for most of the season. Instead, he relied on assistance from other players to stay in the game longer than expected. Early on, Adam provided misleading information by stating he was related to an actor when it was actually a “lie” according to the game. Clues about a mullet hairstyle, lightning bolts, and ’90s love songs started to give viewers hints but remained puzzling to other players.
During the finale episode, Adam finally revealed the truth to the two players left in the game, Dedrick and Shane. He told them he was the nephew of a “white boy singing R&B,” and further said his relative had a major hit song called “When a Man Loves a Woman.” This allowed Dedrick and Shane to correctly identify Adam’s famous uncle as Grammy-winning musician Michael Bolton. However, it was too late in the game for them to leverage this information to identify Adam and claim the prize. Viewers expressed surprise that such an iconic singer had gone undiscovered for so long on the show.
There were also signs that a romance may have started between two contestants, Hud and Mackenzie. In interviews after taping the finale, they told People magazine they had been spending time together and things were going well between them. Both planned to attend an event to watch the finale air, fueling speculation from fans about a potential new celebrity couple emerging from the competition.
With its blend of mystery, strategy, and famous connections, “Claim to Fame” continues attracting an audience to its revealingfinales and interpersonal dynamics between players. This season saw an unexpected reveal of Michael Bolton’s nephew and hints of a budding romance, leaving viewers intrigued about what next season may bring.