A new medical drama called “Brilliant Minds” made its debut on NBC on Monday night. The show focuses on Dr. Oliver Wolf, a talented but eccentric neurologist played by Zachary Quinto. Dr. Wolf’s character was inspired by the late neurologist and writer Dr. Oliver Sacks.
In the first episode, viewers quickly learn that Dr. Wolf thinks outside the box. He risks his job to help an Alzheimer’s patient have an important moment with his family. Dr. Wolf takes the man on an unauthorized motorcycle ride to his granddaughter’s wedding. There, music briefly helps the patient connect with loved ones. His bold move gets Dr. Wolf fired from his hospital.
Luckily, Dr. Wolf’s friend Carol finds him a new position. He starts working at Bronx General Hospital. There, he faces a difficult new case. A woman named Hannah can no longer recognize her own children after brain surgery. Showing how conditions affect people in different ways is a goal of the series.
Like the real Dr. Oliver Sacks, the character shares important traits. Both have a middle name of Wolf and love motorcycles. Dr. Wolf also has “face blindness,” where it’s hard to identify faces. This adds complexity to how he interacts with others. Two of Dr. Sacks’ books on unusual medical cases, “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” and “An Anthropologist on Mars,” inspire stories for the show.
Actor Zachary Quinto said Dr. Sacks was his “North Star” for the role. “I’m not copying the real person exactly,” explained Quinto. “But I get to play someone inspired by such an interesting doctor.” The show also features the first openly gay lead character on a major network nightly drama. Quinto, who is also gay, sees this as progress.
Each episode will mix medical puzzles with learning about the characters. Future episodes will draw from Dr. Sacks’ case studies too. Only time will tell if “Brilliant Minds” can both entertain viewers and honor Dr. Sacks’ in-depth research like his writing did. New episodes air on NBC every Monday at 10pm Eastern/Pacific time.