Oz Perkins is known for making super creepy horror movies that really mess with your head. His latest one, Longlegs, is no exception. It follows an FBI agent named Lee who’s investigating some gruesome, unsolved murders from years ago. The main suspect is this weird entity called Longlegs, played by Nicolas Cage in an beyond unsettling way.
In an interview, Perkins talked about making the movie and terrifying audiences without meaning to. He said creating the atmosphere and characters is what matters most to him. Perkins also likes using female leads because it adds mystery. You don’t always know what women are thinking like men do.
The time period of the 90s was chosen partly to call back to classic thriller/horror flicks of that era. But it was also meaningful for Perkins as he was coming of age then too. Alicia Witt steals the show as the mom character, who does some seriously messed up stuff. But Perkins says you can see why she did it – to protect her daughter at all costs.
Maika Monroe is fantastic too as the no-nonsense FBI agent Lee. Perkins enjoys complex, layered characters and wanted to show Lee’s soft side as she cares deeply for others. He worked closely with both actresses to develop these intriguing roles.
One of the coolest parts is getting a glimpse into the mind of the killer, Longlegs. Cage is next level creepy in the role. But Perkins wanted to portray him as a sad, lonely person too underneath it all. Making scary movies is no easy task, but fans will be chilled to the bone by Perkins’ unique style and incredible cast in Longlegs. Definitely not one to watch alone!