Netflix has kickstarted 2024 with a remarkable entry, the survival biopic “Society of the Snow.” This gripping film, directed by J.A. Bayona, has garnered critical acclaim and high ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, marking it as one of the platform’s first major hits of the year.
The movie, based on the true story of a group of young men who endured a catastrophic plane crash and survived 72 days in the treacherous Andes Mountains, has been brought to life through Bayona’s skilled direction and a compelling ensemble cast including Enzo Vogrincic Roldán, Matías Recalt, Agustín Pardella, and Tomas Wolf.
The film’s critical reception has been overwhelmingly positive, boasting a 90% score on Rotten Tomatoes from critics and an 86% audience score, reflecting its broad appeal and the impactful storytelling. “Society of the Snow” has been lauded for its sensitivity in handling the narrative, its inspirational themes, and its effective storytelling techniques, contributing to its status as a significant success for Netflix.
Beyond its critical acclaim, “Society of the Snow” is making waves in the awards circuit. The film has not only been nominated for the Golden Globe and Critics Choice Award for Best Foreign Language Film but is also shortlisted for Best International Feature Film at the Oscars.
A potential win at the Oscars would continue Netflix’s streak in this category, following the previous year’s success with “All Quiet on the Western Front,” which won Best International Film along with other major awards.
Netflix’s strategy of distributing and producing high-quality international films is evident with “Society of the Snow.” The platform’s commitment to diverse content reflects its global reach, as it serves audiences in over 190 countries.
Previous successes like “Roma,” the first Mexican movie to win Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars, and other international hits like Poland’s “The Hater” and India’s “Gangubai Kathiawadi,” underscore Netflix’s prowess in the international film arena.
The global success of Netflix’s original international films highlights a shift in the film and TV industry towards embracing diversity. This trend has been growing over the past decade, exemplified by the monumental success of the 2019 Korean movie “Parasite,” the first-ever international film to win Best Picture, and the 2022 Telugu-language sensation “RRR.”
The success of “Society of the Snow” not only adds to this trend but may also prompt Netflix to invest more in foreign-language content, acknowledging the changing landscape and diverse preferences of its global audience. You can read our comprehensive Society of the Snow review here.