The popular animated miniseries “Over the Garden Wall” has a beautiful new stop-motion short film to mark its tenth anniversary this week. Fans of the show have reason to party. The three-minute special, made with Aardman Animation, brings back the original voice cast and captures the magical spirit that made the show a fan favorite.
For the anniversary project, carefully made wooden dolls of the show’s main characters—half-brothers Wirt and Greg and their friend Beatrice—are used to bring them back. Voice artists from the first series, like Elijah Wood, Collin Dean, and Melanie Lynskey, are also back, bringing back the show’s unique charm.
Directors Mikey Please and Dan Ojari and series author Patrick McHale created the short’s plot. The movie showcases Aardman’s famous craftsmanship with its detailed tiny sets that recreate the show’s unique ethereal mood.
At the start of the short, the well-known Frank Fairfield voiceover sets the scene in “The Unknown.” Wirt and Greg are sitting by what they call “the ugliest tree in the world,” Beatrice is there to reassure them in her usual way.
When the first season of the show aired on Cartoon Network on November 3, 2014, it received great reviews immediately. The show was nominated for several Annie Awards and won a Primetime Emmy Award 2015 for Outstanding Animated Program.
McHale, known for his work on Adventure Time and Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio, which won an Oscar, has lowered fan hopes about a full series revival. But this special short is a treat for fans who have been with the show for a long time.
You can now watch the stop-motion short on Cartoon Network’s social media sites, such as TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. New and old fans of the popular cartoon show can now enjoy this new tribute to the show.