Rupert Sanders, director of the 2024 film reboot of “The Crow,” has suggested that a follow-up installment could continue the story set up in the first movie. Though the reboot wraps up its main plot points, Sanders sees potential for Eric Draven’s character journey to extend into a sequel.
The modern adaptation tells the tragic tale of Draven and his murdered lover Shelley. Played by Bill Skarsgård, Draven is resurrected by crows to seek deadly revenge. By the end, he sacrifices his soul to revive Shelley. This resolution satisfies the initial narrative but leaves Draven’s fate ambiguous.
In a recent interview, Sanders commented on the reboot’s conclusive yet potentially open-ended finale. “Draven transforms throughout the film into something new,” Sanders told The Hollywood Reporter. This origin-story approach for the character, much like Batman, could set the stage for more adventures according to the director. Sanders finds Draven navigating life, death, and the supernatural to be an intriguing avenue to explore.
However, Sanders was quick to note that the current movie succeeds as a standalone work. “A film should finish satisfactorily for its story,” he said. Regardless of sequel potential, the 2024 “Crow” adaptation stands on its own as a complete tale.
Still, the positive critical and commercial response could factor into any sequel decisions. The film’s mixed reviews and one of the lowest Rotten Tomatoes scores for 2024 may impact prospects. For now, Sanders advises avoiding speculation until more is known. Audiences will judge the film’s merits and Skarsgård’s Draven when it hits theaters.