Netflix will release the second season of its acclaimed teen show XO, Kitty, on January 16, 2025. The show offers fans an emotional journey of love and self-discovery. The spin-off from the successful “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” franchise will continue to follow Kitty Song Covey’s adventures at the Korean Independent School of Seoul (KISS).
Anna Cathcart reprises her role as Kitty, who begins her new semester hoping for a fresh start and to escape previous romantic issues. However, her meticulously set preparations are quickly derailed when a mystery letter from her mother’s history arrives.
The forthcoming season brings back significant people who will test Kitty’s emotional terrain. Minyeong Choi reprises his role as Dae, her ex-boyfriend, while Gia Kim returns as Yuri and Sang Heon Lee continues as Min Ho. Each represents a distinct romantic prospect for the protagonist.
“We’re focused on more than just romance,” says co-creator Jenny Han. “This season explores Kitty’s personal growth and family connections.” The program will continue gently examining Kitty’s budding bisexuality, providing nuanced representation to young viewers.
The first season’s performance was tremendous, with 72 million viewing hours worldwide in its first week. This performance prompted Netflix to rapidly renew the series, indicating high audience interest.
Awesomeness Studios is adding new performers Anthony Keyvan, Regan Aliyah, and Joshua Lee to the season two ensemble. These changes are expected to bring depth and intricacy to Kitty’s universe.
As fans prepare for the January release, “XO, Kitty” appears to be an emotionally deep story beyond normal teen drama, providing viewers a profound investigation of identity, relationships, and personal development.