Prime Video’s hit superhero series “The Boys” has begun production on its fifth and final season, signaling the start of the show’s anticipated end. Lead actor Antony Starr has returned to the set in Toronto, Canada, marking the start of filming for the series that has reinvented superhero storytelling.
The show’s official social media accounts have sparked interest by posting behind-the-scenes photos of Starr in his iconic Homelander suit. In a recent interview with Variety, Starr revealed details about his character’s challenging path in the upcoming season.
“Homelander is wrestling with deep questions about mortality and legacy,” Starr told me. The character’s primary goal will be to place his son as the next leader of the Vought organization while also exploring issues of power and succession.
The previous season’s finale left viewers with major political events. Homelander now essentially controls the military thanks to a series of smart actions that saw the Speaker of the House become President and declare martial law. A post-credits scene also hinted at the possible return of Soldier Boy, Homelander’s father, who was previously believed to be deceased.
Blondie’s fuckin back
— THE BOYS (@TheBoysTV) November 28, 2024
Series creator Eric Kripke continues to surprise viewers by diverging from the original comic book source material. This strategy leaves the last season’s fate undetermined, despite the possibility of a confrontation between Homelander and Billy Butcher (played by Karl Urban).
The cast has already begun to reunite in Toronto, with actor Laz Alonso posting a snapshot of the main cast assembling for supper. Fans will have to wait until 2026 for the final season to premiere, giving them plenty of time to speculate on the characters’ eventual destinies.
While the show’s ending remains unknown, “The Boys” has constantly produced stunning story twists and strong social satire throughout its duration. The final season is expected to culminate the series’ innovative approach to superhero storytelling.