In 2018, cinemas were dominated by the film Avengers: Infinity War, where the Marvel heroes faced off against Thanos for the first time. While the movie was a hit, some fans pointed out several flaws, one of which was the irrational behavior of Peter Quill.
Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, played a significant role in Thanos’ victory during a skirmish on Titan. Instead of helping the team remove the Infinity Gauntlet, Quill attacked Thanos, causing the plan to fail.
This decision was not well-received by many viewers, and James Gunn shared his thoughts on the matter in a recent interview with Screen Rant.
Gunn stated that he disagreed with the choice made by the Russo brothers, who directed the movie. He explained that Star-Lord would not have hit Thanos and would have killed Gamora if she asked him to do so, ultimately saving the universe.
Gunn’s criticism of the movie highlighted how he would have approached the scene differently. It is worth noting that the character of Peter Quill was established as one of the least mentally stable characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
He struggled to control his emotions, as evidenced by his behavior in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. For instance, he attacked Ego when he found out that he was responsible for his mother’s death. Losing his beloved Gamora would have been an emotional trigger that could have led to his irrational decision on Titan.
While James Gunn’s comments added a new perspective to the scene, it’s important to note that the movie’s success wasn’t solely based on one scene. Avengers: Infinity War was still a box office hit, and fans eagerly awaited the sequel.
Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that all Marvel Cinematic Universe movies are available on the Disney+ platform for fans who want to revisit the movies or catch up on any that they may have missed.
Overall, while Avengers: Infinity War was not without its flaws, it still entertained audiences worldwide and paved the way for the epic conclusion to the saga.