Famous horror actor Bruce Campbell is making his return to television horror with the new Peacock series “Hysteria!” The show marks Campbell’s first major horror television role since ending his run on “Ash vs Evil Dead” in 2018. In “Hysteria!,” Campbell plays Chief Dandridge, a police chief investigating strange disappearances in a town gripped by fears of satanic influences.
At 66 years old, Campbell is taking on a very different role than his most famous character, Ash Williams from “The Evil Dead” franchise. Instead of playing an unwitting hero facing supernatural chaos, Chief Dandridge enters as an established authority figure meant to solve the town’s problems. Campbell said this change was an “intriguing contrast” that brought “maturity and gravitas” to his horror work.
Set in the 1980s, “Hysteria!” explores the real-life “Satanic Panic” period where many feared secret occult threats. The show centers on a group of teenagers starting a Satan-inspired band, stoking fears in their suburban community. It incorporates over-the-top horror elements while examining the moral paranoia of the era.
Like Campbell’s previous cult classics, “Hysteria!” pays homage to 1980s slasher films through its creative blend of supernatural thrills and dark humor. Critics say this combination of nostalgia and new ideas makes for an entertaining viewing experience that feels both fresh and familiar.
Also starring Julie Bowen, Jessica Treska, and Anna Camp, “Hysteria!” aims to stand out in the modern television horror landscape. By reimagining classic tropes in unexpected ways and having Bruce Campbell take on a new mature role, the show seems well-positioned as a worthy addition for fans of both the actor and the genre.