The Marvels, the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was initially set for release in July 2022. However, due to post-production delays, the film’s release date was pushed back to November 2023. Despite this delay, Marvel fans have been eagerly awaiting any glimpse of the upcoming movie.
Now, according to the renowned insider Daniel Richtman, who has a track record of accurate leaks and predictions, the wait for The Marvels’ trailer is finally over.
Richtman recently revealed to his Patreon followers that the trailer for the superhero blockbuster is due to be released on April 11, 2023 – an announcement that has sent MCU fans into a frenzy of anticipation.
While the rumor of the imminent trailer release is exciting news, some fans remain skeptical about the accuracy of the information. After all, Marvel’s decision to push back the movie’s release date suggests that the film’s post-production process is still ongoing.
It remains to be seen whether the release of the trailer will actually happen as predicted, but the prospect of a sneak peek into The Marvels is sure to excite MCU enthusiasts.
If the rumor is true, MCU fans will finally get a glimpse of the much-awaited The Marvels trailer after months of waiting.
The trailer’s release will provide a tantalizing preview of what promises to be another epic Marvel superhero blockbuster. Whether or not the trailer drops as predicted, MCU fans can rest assured that the wait for The Marvels will soon be over.
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