The hit HBO drama series “Big Little Lies” may return for a third season, based on comments from cast members and producers. Zoë Kravitz, who plays Bonnie Carlson, said she is waiting to find out if filming will begin on new episodes. Kravitz talked with People magazine and stated she does not know details but really wants to continue her role.
Other actresses from the show shared similar hopes. Laura Dern told Entertainment Weekly the cast regularly discusses getting together again for season three. Dern enjoys working with her co-stars and wants to explore her character more. Show executive Nicole Kidman added to the speculation last year. In a casual remark, Kidman said fans should “just FYI” expect a third season. This offhand comment got fans excited about seeing what happens next.
“Big Little Lies” first aired in 2017. It follows mothers in an affluent coastal town and the secrets in their seemingly perfect lives. The limited series was a big hit, leading to a second season in 2019. Big names joined the cast like Meryl Streep. The drama received critical acclaim and awards for its look at domestic abuse and friendship.
Though the cast wants more episodes, HBO has not officially announced a season three yet. It has been over five years since the last season aired. As the production waits for the green light, fans are eagerly awaiting updates on the return of “Big Little Lies”. Kravitz also noted the close bond between her and co-stars Reese Witherspoon and Laura Dern. They supported each other at a movie premiere, showing their strong work relationships. For now, the cast and audience can only wait patiently to see if “Big Little Lies” will unfold more of its compelling story.