Tyler Perry will release his first drama series for Netflix titled “Beauty in Black” next month. The show explores the lives of two women from different backgrounds, Kimmie and Mallory, whose paths cross unexpectedly. Perry serves as writer, director, and producer of the 16-episode series.
Kimmie struggles as a stripper living in a motel after being kicked out by her mother. Mallory runs her family’s successful cosmetics business. The show focuses on their contrasting circumstances. The drama unfolds when Kimmie meets Horace at her club. This encounter introduces her to his wealthy but troubled family.
In the official trailer, Kimmie tells Horace “You think this is a game. I’m in.” She seems poised to clash with Mallory. In one scene, Mallory demands from a limousine “I want to know who’s behind this.” The show hints at threats to Mallory’s family empire. Viewers can expect themes of ambition, power, and what people will do to protect their interests.
Netflix will release the series in two parts. The first eight episodes premiere October 24. The second half’s release date is still unknown. This split approach may build anticipation between the two drops.
The show features an acclaimed cast including Taylor Polidore Williams, Crystle Stewart, Ricco Ross, Amber Reign Smith, Debbi Morgan, and Richard Lawson. It comes from Tyler Perry Studios with Will Areu, Angi Bones, and Tony L. Strickland as producers. “Beauty in Black” marks Perry’s first Netflix series under an overall deal and expands his creative partnership with the platform.
Viewers can anticipate gripping storytelling and character development, hallmarks of Perry’s work. Details hint the series will deliver complex relationships, secrets, and high stakes drama when it premieres this fall.