Disney released the first teaser trailer for its live-action Snow White film at a recent event, but fan response has been mixed. Starring Rachel Zegler as Snow White, the movie now has a planned 2025 release after facing delays. While some praised Zegler’s singing from the trailer, other aspects prompted debates over modern interpretations of the classic story.
The depiction of the seven dwarves drew particular commentary. Aiming to avoid potential stereotyping as mentioned by actor Peter Dinklage, Disney used computer-generated images instead of casting short actors. However, many felt the CGI characters looked unrealistic. Additionally, digital animals and landscapes dominated the trailer over live elements, causing questions about the film’s visual direction.
Fans also observed key differences in Snow White’s appearance. Zegler’s wig lacked the volume and style of the animated character, drawing comparisons to other on-screen hairstyles.
Further, Snow White’s signature red headband was missing. Casting Gal Gadot as the beautiful Evil Queen also introduced plot issues, as the story focuses on Snow White being the “fairest of them all.” Zegler previously hinted at a feminist telling of Snow White, fueling debate over fidelity to the original.
On social media, expressed dislike for the trailer outweighed positive reactions. This challenges Disney’s efforts to drum up excitement for the 2025 film. Not all reactions were negative, as Gadot’s visually striking Evil Queen was praised, though it too presents narrative questions.
As controversy swirls, the studio will look to address emerging concerns before release. With years until theaters, Disney has time to refine its approach. This project adds to discussion around live-action remakes and whether new versions can match beloved animations. Only continued progress will show if audiences embrace this Snow White vision or remain loyal to the classic.