In the sixth episode, “Incognito,” CBS’s prequel show “NCIS: Origins” continues to reveal Special Agent Lala Dominguez’s mysterious past. The episode gives fans a deep look into her professional and personal problems.
The episode, which stars Mariel Molino as Dominguez, shows how hard it was for her to start her job in the Naval Investigative Service, which is mostly made up of men. The story is mostly about her relationship with a young Leroy Jethro Gibbs, which shows a more complicated link with each book.
In a recent interview, Molino said, “Her feelings for Gibbs are getting stronger.” “It’s evolving in a lovely way because it comes from a place of protection and truly wanting to have Gibbs’ back.”
Gina Lucita Monreal, who helped make the show, revealed that Dominguez’s story is the main mystery. “The big question is what happened to her,” Monreal said. We talk about it daily in the writers’ room.”
In the most recent episode, Dominguez deals with several problems, such as personal and work stress. She has a hard time with her boyfriend’s difficult relationship, and she acts without thinking, which could affect her work performance.
Monreal stressed the importance of creating a Latina figure with many sides. “I wanted to be careful about embracing her femininity,” she said, pointing out how the character deals with work problems and empathy very differently.
Dominguez’s final fate is still being built up in the show, which was not a part of the original “NCIS” series. If you watch all 18 shows of the first season, Monreal has promised you’ll discover some things by the end.
“NCIS: Origins” airs on CBS every Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT, and the next day, you can watch the show on Paramount+.