So get this: there’s a new Netflix series that’s taking three tough dudes around the globe on some wild adventures. The Toughest Forces on Earth follows Dean, Cameron, and Ryan as they leave their days in special forces behind. But these guys certainly haven’t lost their appetite for action.
Each episode has our trio training with different elite military outfits in locations all over the map. We’re talking jungles, deserts, Arctic tundra—you name it. And the training is no walk in the park. These forces go through insane drills to get the job done, whether that’s infiltration exercises or emergency response scenarios.
Of course, our host dudes don’t just watch from the sidelines. They suit up and jump right in to experience it all firsthand. Some of the training looks downright brutal too, especially in places like the freezing north. But these guys seem to thrive under pressure.
In eight scenes-stealing episodes, Dean, Cameron, and Ryan connect with forces in far-flung places like Jordan, Colombia, Sweden, and beyond. It’s a wild ride, discovering the various tactics and terrains. So if you like an adventure that pushes boundaries, this might be your kind of show.
Elite Ops Go Global
The Jordan episode launches the journey in scorching sands. Dean, Cam, and Ryan link with King Abdullah’s forces to boost tactics in the desert expanses. They scatter one team across craggy slopes, making the other track stealthily between sun-bleached rocks. Switching roles the following day places them in armed vehicles facing simulated ambushes on baking flats. Between drills, the guys glimpse how Jordan’s stability stems from skillful soldiers protecting borders amid turmoil.
Colombia brings a new threat to the muggy jungles. This time, partnering with the Jungla police unit, a practice raid on a cocaine stash house turns real as the call comes in. Helicoptering to a remote lab, they stealthily close in, finding workers scrambling in the canopy below. A precision strike is made to dismantle the operation without harming innocents before burning the product. The bonds between the men and their Colombian brothers seem to strengthen throughout the mission.
In Sweden, the real test of mettle arrives when shivering in the Arctic night. Plunging into a survival course with Swedish special forces, the bitter breeze pierces layers as they fathom shelter and seek sustenance on the snow-smothered slopes. After a taste of the locals’ grit, they join a heli-borne training assault. Plunging into an ice lake, their limbs protest, but discipline drives them ever on in pursuing excellence, even in the harshest of places.
Elite Forces Under the Lens
These guys sure know how to keep you on the edge of your seat! The training drills really take you into the heart of the action. Every exercise puts the men through their paces with intense scenarios that could happen anytime on duty. From hunting enemies through the desert to landing smack in an ambush, there’s never a dull moment. And when real operations come, it’s impossible to look away.
Just as gripping as the tasks are the far-flung locales they take you to. Each episode transports viewers to a new environment, showing how terrain shapes techniques. One moment you’re sweating in Colombian jungles, the next shivering in Arctic snows—it’s easy to feel like you’re right there with them. The striking scenery serves as more than just a backdrop, with details on how forces adapt battle-ready skills to their surroundings.
Beyond pulse-pounding action, the series provides true insider knowledge. You get the real deal on how these elite units function, from meticulous planning to lightning-quick execution. It’s fascinating to learn the logistics, equipment, and emergency tactics these professionals have trained to master. Few ever see such a candid look at special operations, and it’s compelling to see concepts translated from the classroom to career-defining missions.
Perhaps most interesting is the bond developing between the hosts and their temporary brothers-in-arms. As different troops open their doors and hearts, it’s inspiring to watch unlikely friendships emerge from shared sacrifice. The camaraderie reminds us that whatever outer divisions may exist, on the battlefield we all stand united against common enemies.
Real Forces, Missing the Real Story
These elite troops sure know their stuff—some of the tactics they pull off had me on the edge of my seat! But there were also times I found myself wanting more insight into the people and places. Like that first episode in Jordan, it flew by so fast that I barely got a sense of the landscape or culture. And I learned next to nothing about the unit itself beyond some quick drills.
It’s also a shame how often the hosts grabbed the spotlight rather than shining the lens on members living this life every day. I get they want to entertain, but coming from backgrounds like that, I bet the troops had some stories to tell. It would’ve given me more heart to see their faces and hear why serving means so much to them personally.
Even some of the riskier missions felt slightly staged. Like that drug raid, things just went a little too smoothly, you know? Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoyed the action. But stripping away the danger takes away from understanding the reality of their work.
And after a while, the formula started to feel repetitive: train, complete an exercise, then move onto the next country. Mixing up the pacing or themes could have kept things fresh, episode after episode. A little more meat on each place and unit would have too.
At its best, it offered a glimpse of brave men and cutting-edge tactics. With some tweaks to refocus on the real people and challenges, it could have been a truly insightful look at elite forces worldwide. The raw materials are there; they just need more development to do justice to such an important story.
Toughest Forces Marches to its Own Beat
This show definitely has me wishing for more action-packed military flicks! It gives me a similar thrill to other special forces competitions I’ve seen. It shows that the World’s Toughest Tests really put those soldiers through their paces with intense obstacle courses and survival challenges.
Toughest Forces takes a bit of a different approach, though. There aren’t any eliminations or leaderboards to track; it’s more about following these guys as they embed with elite units worldwide. That really drew me in and had me wanting to learn more about each location. Like that Arctic episode, I got chilled to the bone just watching them train in subzero conditions!
Where it stands apart from more teaching-focused documentaries is how it balances education with entertainment. Don’t get me wrong, I still learned plenty about different tactics and gear. But it presents the material in a way that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. No dense information dumps or talking heads slowing things down.
At its heart, it’s trying to showcase real brotherhood between soldiers facing extreme dangers together. The hosts have so much fun with the local troops that it’s infectious. You really feel like you’re along for the ride.
So if you’re itching for military missions packed with action, brothers-in-arms camaraderie, and worldwide travel, this one’s a can’t-miss. It marches to the beat of its own drum compared to similar shows.
Forces Worth Watching?
So in wrapping up, Toughest Forces brought some engaging moments but also had room for improvement. On the positive side, I really enjoyed getting glimpses into these elite units from around the world. Some of those training exercises had my heart racing! And the hosts had a way of drawing you along on their adventures.
At the same time, there were times I found myself wanting more substance. I wish we could have learned more about the people and locations beyond surface details. And it would’ve been great to see some real missions play out, not just drills.
So who should consider watching? If you love intense action and getting exposed to different military tactics, there’s enough here to keep you interested. Guys who followed guys like Chuck Norris or Jason Statham back in the day will probably dig it.
Casual viewers may find parts drag, though. And those seeking deep insights might leave feeling less wise. I’d suggest setting your expectations accordingly; see it as light entertainment over serious education.
In the end, I was glad I checked it out, but I wouldn’t call it essential viewing. Still, for hardcore military buffs or armchair commandos, Toughest Forces delivers some thrill-a-minute rides you won’t want to miss. Just don’t expect too much in between the action scenes. If that sounds like your speed, strap in and enjoy the global ride with these elite operators. Just take it all with a grain of salt.
The Review
Toughest Forces on Earth
Toughest Forces delivers some thrilling glimpses of elite military units around the world but ultimately feels more like unfulfilling fluff than substantive insight. While the hosts provide entertainment value, you leave wanting more depth on the true stakes of their work.
- Gives a glimpse into elite special forces units globally.
- Exciting scenes of training exercises and drills
- Hosts have engaging personalities.
- Lacks meaningful substance and context
- Fails to convey the true stakes of military work.
- Largely forgettable beyond surface-level action