“Nightingale,” a new action thriller, was filmed in Bulgaria and takes a dramatic look at the current war between Russia and Ukraine through a dangerous rescue mission lens. LaMonica Garrett plays a former special forces soldier who now works as a private military contractor trying to save his stolen adopted daughter.
The movie, directed by William Kaufman, who is known for making action movies, tries to show how complicated the human stories that come out of foreign conflicts are. Garrett’s character has to go through dangerous areas while trying to save people from Russian forces in a frantic rescue mission.
The movie has a great group cast, with Jason Patric as a CIA handler and Andrew Howard as a former CIA agent who worked in Ukraine. Daniel Bernhardt will play the bad guy, a Russian general in charge of the kidnapping.
Isaac and Andrew Lewis, producers at Denton Film, are behind the project. Kaufman and Paul Reichelt are writing the script together. Choosing to film in Bulgaria is part of a growing trend of using places in Eastern Europe to capture the real feel of conflicts in the area.
Kaufman has extensive experience with this project, having directed cult classics like “Sinners and Saints” and worked with famous players like Cuba Gooding Jr. and Dolph Lundgren.
Beyond the usual action movie plots, “Nightingale” tries to examine deeper issues. The movie will examine the role of private military contractors, how foreign conflicts affect civilians, and the struggles of people who have to choose between duty and family.
Kaufman said of the project, “Our goal is to show the human cost of geopolitical conflicts while taking the action fans expect.”
Details about the film’s release have not been released yet. Still, it is a major addition to how movies try to understand and make sense of modern global conflicts.
The movie claims to have a gripping story with more than just action scenes. It will also show how complicated modern war and personal sacrifice are.