Acclaimed television producer Ryan Murphy addressed criticism of his latest Netflix series, which dramatizes the tragic case of brothers Lyle and Erik Menendez. The series has sparked controversy over its depiction of a possible incestuous relationship between the brothers. In interviews, Murphy defended creative decisions in the show and emphasized the careful handling of sensitive topics.
Murphy explained that the series aims to present multiple perspectives on the complex case. It incorporates theories from people involved, like journalist Dominique Dunne. The producer said one episode focuses on the therapist Leslie Abramson’s view of events. Murphy believes the show has an “obligation” to share diverse opinions raised over decades.
However, Erik Menendez criticized the series as an “dishonest portrayal” that hinders understanding of abuse trauma. But Murphy noted Erik did not watch the show before commenting. About 60-65% of episodes center on abuse claims, according to Murphy. He said the brothers have a chance to openly discuss their experiences.
Murphy likened the series approach to the classic film “Rashomon,” which shows one event through different eyes. With two main figures deceased, episodes feature research on the parents’ perspective. But dramatizing real crimes presents challenges, especially sensitive topics like abuse and family trauma. Viewers will form their own views on Netflix.