The upcoming spy thriller movie “Ballerina,” starring Ana de Armas, has become an important part of the popular John Wick action series. As plans for another John Wick movie starring Keanu Reeves are uncertain, “Ballerina” plays a key role in continuing this universe of assassins and secret organizations.
Set between previous John Wick films, “Ballerina” focuses on a skilled assassin named Rooney seeking revenge after criminals kill her family. Though few plot details are known, the movie will likely connect to John Wick’s story and provide new context for past events. With uncertainty around a fifth John Wick movie, Reeves’ appearance in “Ballerina” takes on significance as possibly his farewell or setup for a return.
Rumors of a 2025 start for “John Wick 5” were dismissed, leaving fans unsure when or if Reeves might reprise his iconic role. Ambiguity grows from the ambiguous ending of “John Wick: Chapter 4,” which seemingly showed John Wick dying after battling assassins. While the films allow interpretation of his fate, there are no plans officially announced for another sequel.
As the only upcoming project confirmed to feature Reeves as John Wick, “Ballerina” serves multiple purposes for the franchise. It introduces a new leading lady while potentially filling in narrative gaps and reframing past events or revealing Wick’s survival. Some speculate the relationship between Rooney and Wick could setup a passing of the torch, with Wick entrusting Rooney to continue his mission should he be gone.
However, those creating “Ballerina” emphasize it will stand independently. De Armas brings star power and fighting prowess to Rooney from roles in films like “Knives Out” and “No Time to Die.” The makers of John Wick have a proven track record developing captivating stories from simple premises, suggesting “Ballerina” will engage audiences whether connected to the larger series or not.