Netflix’s popular true crime anthology series “Monster” has announced its third season will focus on the crimes of serial killer Ed Gein. Acclaimed producer Ryan Murphy revealed at a recent event that actor Charlie Hunnam will take on the title role. Hunnam is best known for his work in the FX drama “Sons of Anarchy.”
Gein committed heinous murders and acts of body snatching in Wisconsin in the late 1950s. His crimes shocked the nation and inspired later fictional killers. Murphy said production on the season will start next month. This quick turnaround underscores Netflix’s confidence in the success of “Monster.”
The series first looked at Jeffrey Dahmer in its debut season of 2022. That installment was one of Netflix’s most watched shows ever. Clearly this popularity influenced the decision to continue the anthology format exploring different true crime cases each season.
While details about the writing team were not provided, Murphy and Ian Brennan have worked together on “Monster” in the past. Brennan co-wrote the upcoming second season focused on the Menendez brothers with Murphy. That season will begin streaming on September 19th.
Hunnam has a busy fall slated with other acting roles. In addition, Murphy is launching multiple new shows across various networks in the coming months as one of television’s most prolific producers. Though his exclusive deal with Netflix ends in 2023, Murphy continues developing projects for their platform.
Audiences can look forward to the Ed Gein season of “Monster” joining Netflix’s lineup. By exploring true crime histories through compelling drama, the series engages viewers season after season.