Hulu has canceled the drama series “Black Cake” after its debut season concluded over ten months ago. Based on the novel by Charmaine Wilkerson, “Black Cake” starred Adrienne Warren and Mia Isaac in a family drama spanning several decades and continents. The show explored a mysterious disappearance in the 1960s that challenged a family’s understanding of their origins.
“Black Cake” earned widespread praise for its inaugural season. It holds a 94% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes and received nominations for NAACP Image Awards. Created by “Women of the Movement” showrunner Marissa Jo Cerar and produced through Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Films and Aaron Kaplan’s Kapital Entertainment, Cerar recently won a Humanitas Prize for her teleplay of “Black Cake”.
Despite these accolades, Hulu opted not to greenlight a second season. Streaming services rarely pick up original shows from competitors amid intense competition. Netflix, an initial bidder for “Black Cake” before it went to Hulu, considered reviving the program but discussions did not lead to a new season order.
With no other platform renewing the series, “Black Cake” will be remembered as a critically acclaimed limited series. For fans of nuanced character-driven stories and mysteries featuring diverse casts, its cancellation underscores challenges facing deserving shows in the current streaming environment.