Renowned actress Kate Winslet produced and stars in a new biographical film focused on American photographer Lee Miller and her pioneering career as a wartime photojournalist. The film, titled “Lee,” reexamines Miller’s life through her experiences documenting World War II from the frontlines at a time when very few women worked in that field. While best known for portraits during the war, Winslet notes the film also grapples with how those experiences impacted Miller personally in later life.
Miller broke barriers as one of the first female photographers granted access to conflict zones. Through her iconic images from places like London under German bombing raids and Paris after its liberation, she captured the human toll of war.
Winslet was drawn to the project because, despite Miller’s accomplishments, her background as a former model was often emphasized over her talent. The film portrays Miller’s frustration with that unequal treatment and her determination to pursue photography as a passion.
As both lead actress and producer of “Lee,” Winslet wanted to recognize Miller’s resilience in the face of adversity and compassion in bringing difficult realities to light. However, the film acknowledges that Miller’s time in combat areas also likely contributed to forms of post-traumatic stress that influenced her later discussions of her work.
Winslet hopes the film introduces new audiences to Miller’s pioneering role while also exploring the personal costs of her career through a balanced lens. Providing a fuller picture of the obstacles Miller overcame, Winslet believes “Lee” offers modern viewers a more nuanced understanding of her indelible mark on history.