NBC’s successful series “The Irrational” will introduce a captivating new character in its upcoming second season, adding dimension to the psychological investigation drama. Max Lloyd-Jones plays Simon Wylton, a research assistant with a strong personal ambition to study human behavior.
Simon’s biography revolves around a traumatic family experience: his brother’s suicide. This personal pain fuels his intense curiosity about the intricate dynamics of the human psyche. “Simon is obsessed with understanding this phenomenon of suicide and human behavior,” Lloyd-Jones explains.
The new season promises to delve into difficult workplace interactions, especially with Phoebe’s return to the research team. Lloyd-Jones alluded to potential romantic conflicts that could “surprise and frustrate” viewers, expressing concerns about professional relationships and emotional limits.
Under the tutelage of Professor Alec Mercer (Jesse L. Martin), Simon joins the behavioral science team, terrified and determined to prove his usefulness. The show will focus on their bond, which stems from a long-standing family friendship.
“The Irrational” stands out by exploring psychological issues through high-stakes riddles. Lloyd-Jones was particularly attracted by the Barnum effect, a psychological phenomenon in which people interpret ambiguous personality traits as uniquely personal.
An upcoming episode will uncover the circumstances surrounding Simon’s brother’s death, promising a nuanced examination of grief and human behavior’s most illogical features. Viewers can expect a combination of psychological insight and personal drama.
Fans can watch new episodes of “The Irrational” on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on NBC. The show continues to combine investigative narrative with deep psychological inquiry.