Studio Larian has confirmed its presence at The Game Awards event, posting a new Baldur’s Gate 3 teaser on Twitter. Two characters, well-known to fans of the series, were featured in the material. We’ll learn new information about the game at the gala, which will be held on the night of December 8-9.
Already now, however, we have received a short teaser, showing the character of Minsec – the hunter appearing in previous installments of the series – and his loyal companion – the hamster Boo.
According to the footage, the heroes, turned into statues, will at some point come to life, transformed by a suspicious blue wave of magic.
For according to old stories, Minsc, together with Boo, have turned into stone, so that one day they will return to the living and help the city in times of need.
That’s not all, though. There will also be a “Panel from Hell” on December 14, a show where the developers will provide further information regarding the progress of the game.
Soon after that, patch 9, which was announced in November, a set of new content, adding variety to the gameplay, is likely to debut.
For the record, Baldur’s Gate 3 still is in the early access phase, though according to the developers, there’s a good chance that the full version of the production will hit the market as early as 2023.
For the moment, this title is only available on Steam and GOG Galaxy platforms, with plans for a PS5 and Xbox Series X/S console release as well.