The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine has had far-reaching effects, even within the video game industry. Multiple tech companies have expressed their support for Ukraine and stopped marketing their products in Russia.
Now, it appears that PlayStation has joined these actions by canceling the release of Burning Shores, the new expansion of Horizon Forbidden West, in Russia.
Reports suggest that Sony has removed the downloadable content page from the Russian PlayStation Store and canceled pre-orders, issuing refunds to players in the country.
While there has been no official statement on the matter yet, some speculate that Sony may have made a deliberate decision to boycott Russia.
The cancellation of Burning Shores has sparked heated discussions in forums, with some fans arguing that these practices unfairly affect thousands of Russian players who have no control over their government’s decisions. Others, however, contend that sanctions are necessary to hold Russia accountable for its actions in Ukraine.
Regardless of the reason behind the cancellation, Russian players are left disappointed as they will miss out on the highly anticipated expansion of Horizon Forbidden West.
Burning Shores will be available for PlayStation 5 starting April 19, but unfortunately, it seems that Russian players won’t be able to enjoy it.
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It is unfortunate that political tensions between countries have had such far-reaching effects, even in the video game industry. Hopefully, a resolution to the conflict can be reached soon so that all players around the world can enjoy their favorite games without any restrictions.
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